Slamm Scooters is a UK brand with years of freestyle scooter experience. The Scooters are designed and developed to the highest standards, pushing the boundaries to bring you some of the most competitive stunt scooters around. Slamm Scooters spend a lot of time developing their range and are proud to offer high-end specs with great aesthetics at affordable prices.
Nitro Circus was founded by friends with a passion for pushing the limits and having fun in the process. It’s this camaraderie and risk-taking spirit that defines everything they do. They continuously break boundaries in the name of innovation and adventure
The INDO scooter is designed and made for one thing: doing tricks. This is not a toy. It’s high-quality tricking equipment. It can be used inside, outside on the street, in skate parks, and it’s really really rad on a trampoline.
The board is made from durable and flexible material that gives you maximum bounce and a soft landing. The handlebar is made from
super lightweight aluminium that gives you precision and control when you’re grabbing air.